
1.3. And here comes Self-Honor

There is a kind of self-honor, to be reckoned with. Let me explain. It is an honor that lies completely inside yourself, a honour that comes from within and does not need any external recognition.

The mere fact that you know that you doenlist among those who seek, study, struggle to change the world or to improve themselves, and to help others, makes sense in itself. It’s important and that’s enough.

And… there’s more good news. Anyone who enlists has already won even before starting, because the simple fact of heading towards the light is winning. It’s a win against apathy. It’s a win against the death of the soul. A victory  against the untold darkness that we carry within us.


Copyright Dr. Daniele Trevisani

Autore: Fabio Trevisani

Sono Fabio Trevisani, laureato in Scienze Motorie all'università di Padova e formato con un percorso di Coaching e Counseling presso UP STEP. Mi occupo di attività motoria e tutoring per ragazzi con disabilità intellettivo-relazionale e cognitivo-motoria. Sono un allenatore di calcio, preparatore atletico e personal trainer per attività motoria preventiva e compensativa. Seguo squadre agonistiche in varie discipline come preparatore atletico.